Oh My dough! We are rebuilding and this popular pizza dough calculator will have it's own home over at https://ohmydough.app It's already alive, so why not check it out??

William Åström

Midsummer meetup

It’s that time of the year, when us Swedes, place greenery all over the places, even under our pillows for a chance to dream of our future husband or wife, and dance around a just as green phallic symbol.

Instead of celebrating midsummer like our ancestors - the Vikings - would have. By worshipping fertility and a rich harvest, We will go to Bohus Malmön and have a team meetup.

Great timing, since have just finished a six months period of hard work resulting in the release of two new websites: SäkerhetsRådgivarna & myFC

We will try to find some time though to celebrate Midsummer the way Zorn has captured it in his beautiful painting from 1897, after the meeting.See you all again Wednesday June 28’th.

As always, if you have an interesting project or need help from experts - contact us today!
